ADHD Coaching at your University

Semester Plans

Let’s make next semester your BEST semester!

For the Student who just wants to get the semester organized from the start:

ADHD Coaching at your University

Quarter Plans

Service Explanations:

Executive Functioning Assessment: This assessment will evaluate the individual’s executive functioning skills. We assess all 12 executive functioning areas through questions in 10 categories. As part of our approach, we will offer this assessment in 3 different intensities based on individual preference. Some people will want to do these all at once, some will want to do it in small chunks, and some will want to do it in chunks that are less than 2 minutes a day. These will be delivered electronically.

Values Assessment: This assessment will identify what an individual values and what they deem important. This matters because we want to help our clients be the best version of themselves, and to do that, identifying their values really matters! This assessment will also be delivered electronically and will respec’s intensity preference.

Motivation Assessment: This assessment will guide our strategies and suggestions by what motivates the client. Behavioral science supports utilizing personal motivation and preferences to support faster skill acquisition. This will be delivered electronically.

Integrative Goal Coaching Session: This is the first coaching session in which you and your coach will review all of your assessment results and create a plan together for the semester. The plan will encompass the most important things to the client and support you in being the best version of yourself. Depending on the client's preference, these sessions will be via video call, text, or direct messaging.

Weekly Coaching/Accountability Guide Contact: These are your ongoing coaching sessions and accountability check-ins throughout the semester. Depending on the client's preference, these sessions will be via video call, text, or direct messaging.

Course Workload Planning: This is an analysis of your courses' syllabi. You will get a weekly report of due dates and a color mapping of the most important assignments/exams based on point value. This is delivered electronically.

Course Schedule/Assignment Mapping: This is a semester planner of all of your due dates from all of your courses. All dates will be pulled from the syllabi you provide. This is delivered electronically.

Weekly Tech Prompts for Assignment update: You will get a daily or weekly prompt (depending on preference) to check if any due dates or exam dates have changed to keep your planner current. This is delivered electronically.

Mini-assessments and content throughout the semester curated to client needs: Depending on what our clients need, which will be determined by assessments and coaching sessions, we will send along applicable content and helpful lessons throughout the semester. A small lesson on using AI as a student and one on understanding the laws surrounding cannabis are already planned and will be offered to clients who are interested. These are also delivered electronically.

Individualized University Research Guide: This guide will be developed for the student's specific university, considering the individual needs. It will include on-campus resources, important university dates, etc. This is delivered electronically.

Coaching services are interactive and require client input for delivery. For example: The Course schedule and assignment mapping the student must provide their syllabi from all courses.

What Package do i need?


Frequently Asked Questions for NextStep Navigators ADHD/Executive Functioning Coaching

1. What is ADHD coaching and how can it help me? ADHD coaching is a personalized intervention that focuses on strategies to manage the challenges of ADHD, including issues with time management, organization, goal-setting, and maintaining motivation. Our coaching helps individuals leverage their strengths, achieve their goals, and improve their overall quality of life.

2. Who can benefit from ADHD coaching? Our services are ideal for anyone diagnosed with ADHD, or who experiences ADHD-like symptoms, and is looking to improve their executive functions, academic performance, or personal development. Whether you're a student, a professional, or anyone in between, our coaching is tailored to meet your specific needs.

3. What does the Essential Skills ADHD Coaching Package include? The Essential Skills Package offers comprehensive support, starting with executive functioning and motivation assessments. It includes integrative goal coaching, weekly accountability sessions, course workload planning, and customized content throughout the semester. Our package is designed to support you consistently and effectively.

4. How long does a typical coaching engagement last? The duration of our coaching depends on your individual goals and needs. We offer three intensities of coaching and supplemental services like Course and Assignment planning.

5. Is support available between sessions? Yes, we provide continuous support between sessions, depending on the package you choose. This includes weekly tech prompts for assignment updates and access to mini-assessments. Our clients can also reach out via email or a dedicated messaging service for any urgent queries or support needs.

6. Can ADHD coaching be done virtually? Absolutely! We offer flexible coaching sessions virtually in the platform preferred by the client, allowing us to accommodate clients regardless of their location. Our virtual sessions are conducted via secure video conferencing platforms, text messages, or telephone based on client preference, ensuring privacy and convenience.

7. What makes NextStep Navigators different from other ADHD coaching services? At NextStep Navigators, we emphasize a personalized approach based on scientific research tailored to each client's unique needs. Our experienced coaches are trained in ADHD-specific coaching techniques and behavior-analytic, integrative strategies that address the whole person, not just their symptoms.

8. Is this covered by insurance? This is not a medical service. This is a coaching and educational service. Our ultimate goal is to assist our clients in building the tools they need to advocate and align themselves in a way that helps them accomplish what they want in life. We use behavioral science to inform our coaching practice, but this is not a medical service. These interventions are not clinical, behavioral, health-related, or covered by our BACB certifications.