Amy Theobald Amy Theobald

The power of Individualized adhd coaching

When deciding what ADHD Coach to use, look for a Coach who prioritizes individualization. You can doom-scroll TikTok or Instagram all day and find 1 million different strategies that will be “life-changing.” Still, not all strategies will likely work for everyone, so look for a professional who is an expert in human behavior and spends a good portion of time assessing individual needs rather than just providing generic, non-specific advice that you could find on a Google search.

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Amy Theobald Amy Theobald

Navigating the Maze: Behavior Analysts' Role in Enhancing Executive Functioning

One key thing to know is that executive functioning deficits can vary from person to person, depending on their unique brain makeup. For example, someone might struggle with starting tasks and staying focused, while another person might find planning and organizing more challenging. Behavior analysts recognize these differences and tailor their interventions accordingly, ensuring personalized support for each individual.

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